Alright so I just recently cranked out another design. If you've ever seen those shirts that always have pictures of a bunch of Guitars with a caption underneath saying 'Choose Your Weapon', you will know what I'm talking about. If you haven't, please bear with me :).
Anyways I made this shirt with depictions of a dhol,tabla,chimta,sarangi, and tumbi. I figured this would cover the bulk of South Asia (India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh primarily).
The most recognizable instrument is the dhol which is actively used through out Pakistan, Northern India, Afghanistan, and throughout parts of the former Persian Empire. Ever wonder where the dhol's ancestry lies? Well I'm going to tell you!
The Dhol consists of three primary pieces, the Dhol (Double Barreled Drum), Dagga, and Tilli. The dhol is thought to have been introduced to Hindustan via the Persians who brought the 'dohol'. The dhol of Armenia and Iran are smaller and sit in the laps of the player whereas in the South Asia the dhol is rather bulky and hangs from the shoulders of the dholi. The person who plays the dhol is called the dholi.
Today the dhol is used in Bhangra(Traditional Panjabi dance), Sufi music (Panjabi Islamic Music), Attan(Traditional Afghani Dance), amongst many other dances.
Make sure to check back.
I hope this post was informative for my readers!