Sunday, August 31, 2008

Website Revamp

Hey folks!

My website has been revamped and there will be minor changes taking place periodically. The Kamranistan Facebook Group has 1,983 members as of today. Whoever is the 2000th member and whoever invites the 2000th member will both get free shirts.

Just search for the facebook group by typing in 'Kamranistan' in the search field so don't miss out!

Keep checking up for updates!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

My Birthday

Hey folks,

My birthday was today so in lieu of that Kamranistan will be having a nice sale! All value t-shirts will be heavily discounted up until August 30th.



Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Rooster Sauce

Okay, so heres the deal. Ever since I was a kid I have always had a fetish for
Sriracha. I'd eat it with everything. Whenever I got stuck with some bland American food I always had my rooster sauce around to make things a little better. Well I'm guessing a lot of you feel the same as the 'Rooster Sauce' design has gone through the roof with record sales!


Watch out for folks sporting the top in your neighborhood as the 'Rooster Sauce' movement has gone international. Anyways, this is just a quick check-in with all of my supporters. If you've ever got something to say feel free to shoot me an email at

Until then,
